What is a swan neck deformity?

A swan neck deformity is a condition that affects the fingers or toes, causing them to bend unnaturally. A swan neck deformity is where the finger or thumb joint closest to the nail is bent upward and the middle joint is bent downward. This creates a curved appearance similar to a swan's neck. 

The condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including arthritis, injuries like a finger dislocation or laceration, or a genetic predisposition. 

The deformity can cause pain and difficulty with gripping objects.

Treatment for swan neck deformity typically involves a combination of hand therapy, splinting, and sometimes surgery. Hand therapy can help to improve range of motion and decrease pain while splinting can help to hold the affected joint in a more natural position. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the deformity and restore proper function to the affected area. 

Overall, early intervention is key to preventing long-term complications and improving quality of life for those with swan neck deformity.

                                                                REAL CASE EXAMPLE: Dan

Meet Dan. He suffered a stroke that affected both of his upper extremities, leaving him with a signficant loss of hand function. As seen here, his right hand had multiple fingers present with a swan neck deformity when he straightened his fingers. He stated the small finger caused him a lot of discomfort and led to him avoiding using the finger during daily activities. Due to a muscle imbalance, structures in the finger would pull the joints in different directions causing the finger to form a swan neck position which is very dysfunctional and can be painful.

A therapist from Upper Hand Therapy fabricated him a custom splint to correct this deformity. The splint puts the middle knuckle in a slight bent position- which corrects the muscle imbalance and restores proper anatomy. 

Dan had tried prefabricated oval 8 splints in the past, however quickly took them off because they were not comfortable since they were not custom-made. Dan was very pleased with his custom splint and immediately reported less finger pain. 

Another  advantage of the custom splint is that it still allows Dan to make a full fist, and even made his grip strength stronger! 

If you or anyone you know is suffering from swan neck deformities in their fingers, please contact us for your own custom splint to enhance your quality of life!